Infinite : outside the realm of finite quantity. ("in" = not, "finite".)
In a sense, "exfinite" is a better word, emphasizing that the thing in question is outside the finite realm, and thus immeasurable.
Zero is not "infinite". It exists in the realm of the measurable.
Very little is "infinite". But before we delve further into that, let's address "infinity".
Infinity : a modern fantasy. Perhaps the prevailing superstition of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Infinity does not exist, except in the minds of deluded men and women.
It is not an illusion, for an illusion is something that appears to exist but does not exist. But there is nothing intuitive or seeming real about "infinity". It is a fantasy which we are taught. In childhood we have no notion of it, and when we have it explained, it makes no sense to us. Eventually, through much repetition from many directions, we forget that we actually have no real idea what this "infinity" thing is, and we take for granted that it exists.
When asked, we insist that we do know what infinity is, but when pressed, we cannot answer.
Is it the largest number that exists? (How do numbers exist anyway? That's another fascinating topic for another time.)
There is much more to say about the fuller implications of "infinite" vs "infinity", but suffice for now to mention the distinction.
Tell It Like It Is