Tell It Like It Is

Sunday 10 October 2010

Abortion : good bu$ine$$, bad ethics

Adiel Hope was murdered by unusual means.

Drowned in a bucket of formaldehyde.

It would sound amusing - wtf - what was a bucket of formaldeyhde doing lying around anyway?

Except that it's true, and Adiel ain't the only one.

She was born alive. Most babies are.

But someone wanted her dead.

Her caretaker took her - immediately after her live birth - and dropped her in the bucket.

Yep. Breathing, squirming and all.

Kinda like you might drown a rat if you didn't care about cruelty to animals.

Except even crueller, 'coz the formaldehyde hurts like heck.

Especially when you breath it.

The trainee nurse was traumatised.

You bet!

I reckon the baby was too.

But according to the Australian Sex Party, and the Victorian government, this is a good thing - or at least much better than the unthinkably horrible outcome of letting the baby live.

I guess they haven't met Melissa Ohden.

Nor would they want to!

Someone who survived an abortion attempt on her own life, grew up with adopted parents and lived a rich and fulfilling life despite a poor medical prognosis and never meeting her blood parents - it proves that every life is worth giving a chance, even if only in the hands of adopted parents.

Life - imagine the potential.

Melissa has gone on to make truckloads of inspiring choices with her life.

Choices that would have been snuffed out of existence had the abortion "succeeded".

Abortion is anti-choice.

But Melissa is pro-choice, in the truest sense of the word.

Giving babies a chance is pro-choice to the max : the mother can still live life they way she wants - just give the baby out for adoption - there are loads of desperate would-be-adoptive-parents denied the chance to ever have a baby to call their own. And of course the baby will face more choices than the mother has remaining in her own life, assuming average lifespans, 'coz the mother has already used up some of her years and opportunities to choose.

Pro-life is pro-choice. Pro-abortion is anti-choice.

It doesn't matter which way you cut the cake - abortion is good bu$ine$$, but bad ethics.