These last four weeks have been intense ones for me. They began much like any other month of my life. And then I discovered Steorn. The more I examined Steorn's claims, the more I was convinced they were onto (from an experimental approach) exactly the same principles of energy creation I had "discovered" from a purely mathematical/theoretical approach.
Steorn is releasing their findings in the next month or two (so I gather). It forced a rapid re-evaluation of where I stood on the matter. I was previously convinced that there were extreme dangers with this technology (danger to the world and humanity in general, not to the inventor specifically). Accordingly, I kept it "under wraps", or more accurately, buried.
But with Steorn's imminent release of their "discovery", I had to make some decisions. 1) Was Steorn onto anything at all? 2) Was it anything like what I had discovered? Were the risks with their "discovery" the same as with mine?
And so I threw myself into action, hit the road, and shared my ideas and quandry with three trusted friends in different parts of the state.
At first, I began to question my analysis of the risk factors. Perhaps, despite the risks, the cost of not publishing this technology was greater than the risks. (I speak again of costs and risks to the world, to humanity.) With that in mind, I began to plan an article detailing the principles of energy creation, and planning ways to get the word out as fast as possible.
But things took an unexpected turn. A very unexpected turn.
I had "known" these principles for years, plenty long enough to work through an extensive set of impliciations and have them entrenched deeply in my thinking.
But after seven hours with a trusted friend, analysing this thing from various angles, serious doubts were raised in my mind.
It has taken a few more weeks, and much, much time (running calculations, researching some related topics, thinking through implications once again).
And finally today I decided that there is no doubt left in my mind. Whatever principles of free energy I thought I had found, are non-existent.
I can say that in one sentence and of course the whole world is already divided into those who already believed "free energy" a farce and those who are passionately convinced it's possible.
But I was not only totally convinced it was possible, but totally convinced I knew how. And I was totally wrong.
It's easy for you to sit there and read my story. But on my end, it's radically altering my life. In four short weeks, a lot has changed. Many long-held beliefs have been thrown out the window, and with them, some extensive sets of implications and ramifications have been discarded.
But I shan't bore you with my troubles.
Let's turn back for a moment to Steorn, the company that triggered this storm in my own little world.
If you'd asked me four weeks ago, I would have said I thought it plausible they were onto something. Some days later, I was doubting they were onto the same thing as me. But by about two-and-a-half weeks ago, I had read enough snippets here and there in Steorn interviews and other documentation that I was 99% convinced that Steorn was onto exactly the same thing as me. I was onto something that worked with gravitation and magnetism, and by piecing clues together, I became convinced that Steorn had, by experimental means, stumbled across an application of these "free energy" principles, but only by way of magnetism, and was ignorant of the potential to use gravity instead of magnetism. Just over two weeks ago, I began my road trip. By Sunday night, 15 days ago (AEST), the Great Doubt had begun. And by today, I am now totally convinced that if Steorn is onto anything at all, it has nothing to do with what I had envisaged.
In fact, I now have a profound and deep respect for the so-called Law of the Conservation of Energy. I never had this profound respect before - who would, if you believed in "free energy"? :) But now I see it in it's beauty. It's mathematical symmetry is a wonder to behold! :) And now I stand by it.
Which leaves me in a state of great skepticism. I am inclined to believe that Steorn has discovered nothing at all. Measurement error, perhaps. Perhaps an error interpreting the measurements. Perhaps the first great hoax of the 21st century! :)
If they're onto something, I tell you, they deserve to be well rewarded. But I'm no longer a believer. I recant.