Tell It Like It Is

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Labor claims equality but butchers babies

What would life be like without the ALP in charge?  So horrible, thinks the ALP, that they're enlisting volunteers to doorknock their neighbourhoods and tell their friends what the ALP means to them and why we need them back in power at this election.

So sweet.  Listen to the beautiful words from the latest email seeking to enlist this volunteer army :
Our campaign in Victoria is about empowering people like you to share your stories with friends and neighbours about how Labor has made a positive difference for you. Please share how Labor policies and values have impacted your life with your friends and families on social media using our #thisislabor hash tag.
Every Labor supporter has a reason why they’ve chosen Labor.  
My reason is that Labor’s the only party that values every member of our community and aims for an equal society.
 I replied :
Please help me understand :

You claim "Labor’s the only party that values every member of our community and aims for an equal society.".

What are Labor's policies towards those not yet born?  Are they not community members at their very most vulnerable?  Doesn't Labor advocate taxpayer funded baby butchery?  How is this equality?  Put them up for adoption - don't butcher them.  THEN you'll be a party that values every member of our community.

Or else how do you justify this gross lie, this disconnect between your words and your actions?  If babies are people - their own DNA, their own blood type, their own tiny beating heart, able to feel pain even halfway through gestation - if babies are people, they are community members.  Protect them accordingly.

Please reply so I can know whether Labor might be worth voting for this year, or whether they're a bunch of hypocrites like paedophile priests saying nice things on one hand and destroying children's lives on the other.
Ouch.  Like paedophile priests, but worse, because at least a victim of paedophilia has some chance (however scant) of recovery and leading a joyful life.  Dismembered babies don't.

Liberal is somewhat better, but for a party that really supports EVERY member of society, you need to look to minority parties like the DLP (Democratic Labor Party) or Australian Christians.  You might object to some of their other policies, but tell me : what's worse, butchering innocent people without trial when they've done no wrong, or making life harder than it needs to be after they're born?  All politicians make mistakes, and these mistakes hurt others, but mistakes that kill others by the thousands each day are a special class.  Politicians that support taxpayer-funded abortion have no business leading our nation.